Study the Effect of Pesticide Amended Media on Selected Bacterial Isolates from Forest Area


  • Josna V K Johnson Department of Zoology, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur
  • Vimala K John Department of Zoology, St. Thomas’ College, Thrissur


Quinalphos, Thiamethoxam, Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp, Tolerance, Zone of Inhibition


Pesticide is any substance used to kill, repel or control certain forms of plant or animal life that are considered to be pests. Basically all chemical pesticides are poisons and pose deep rooted danger to the environment and humans through their persistence in nature and human tissue. Bioremediation is the evolving method for the removal and degradation of many environmental pollutants. Neonicotionoid and Organophospahate insecticides are the fastest growing classes of insecticides used in modern crop production. Thiamethoxam and Quinalphos are the two selected insecticides. Microorganisms play an important role in degrading synthetic chemicals in soil. Selected bacterial colonies such as Bacillus and Pseudomonas were isolated from the forest area (virgin soil) from Valparai, TamilNadu. These bacterial isolates are cultured on insecticides amended agar media and NA broth at different concentrations to know the bacteria population at different concentrations of pesticides. The bacterial tolerance activity is observed.


