St Thomas College, Thrissur (Autonomous), Kerala, India
Collection and Statistics
The valuable collections include forty sets of Encyclopediae, twenty sets of Dictionaries and Directories of various categories. Some of the collections are very rare, viz. 4 editions of Encyclopædia Britannica, 2 editions of World Book Encyclopedia, Collier’s Encyclopedia (24 volumes), Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia (29 volumes), Compton’s Pictured Encyclopedia (15 volumes), The Book of Knowledge: The Children’s Encyclopædia, International Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environment (30 volumes), Encyclopedia of Visual Art (10 volumes) and Encyclopedia of Animal World (21 volumes). In the collection of Dictionaries there are 20 sets of various types, among them A New English Dictionary (9 volumes), published in 1888, is the rarest and the most valuable. Moreover, A Dictionary of English Language abridged by Robert Gordon Latham from that of Samuel Johnson in 1882, Malayalam-English Dictionary by Hermann Gundert and Malayalam-Portuguese Dictionary by Arnos Padre are available in the Library.